Wednesday, May 10, 2017

PE Reflection

This year, I wanted to sound more natural when I speak Japanese, so that I added more あのう or えっと. In order to do that, I decided to go to more office hours and Japanese table. Although I haven't been to any office hours beyond the ones required because of individual sessions, I did go to one Japanese table and even spoke to 牧野先生 which I'm actually quite happy about. I wish I could have gone to more Japanese tables, but I was too busy to go. However, this was definitely an improvement from the beginning of the semester. In addition, I also stated that I would like to watch Japanese dramas/anime in my spare time, but it continues to be too difficult to find time. It is also hard to find something that will interest me. Maybe I will just re-watch the shows I enjoy, like Naruto or Yuri on Ice. Lastly, since my last reflection, I fixed my study habits before exams, but I still need to find ways to practice the new grammar I've learned from Nakama 2. I still feel very unsure about my ability to remember and be tested on these grammar points. As for my PE, I continue to need to work on the speed at which I speak. I feel that I have improved on overall sentence pitch, although individual word pitch will probably never come naturally to me. 

Monday, May 8, 2017


大学を卒業したら、仕事をする前に、海外旅行をしたいです。中国に家族を見に行った後で、友どちにあって、韓国と日本に行きたいです。それの後で、アジアの色々な国に行って、おもしろいことをして、美味しい食べ物をたべたいです。ヨーロップに行った時がないから、ヨーロップのイギリスやフランスに行くつもりです。私はハリーポッターが大好きですから、「harry potter and the cursed child」がまだ見せていたら、そのプレーを見るつもりです。それから Platform 9 3/4 の前に刷新をとりたいです。中学生と高校生時は、フランス語を勉強したけど、全部忘れたから、フランスで観光するのはちょっと難しいかもしれません。でも、外国に楽しむために、その国の言語を話さなくてもいいですよ。

Saturday, April 22, 2017



Thursday, March 30, 2017

Midterm Reflection

Midterm Reflection:

I did okay on my midterm, but I made some pretty stupid mistakes that I will need to fix. I studied quite hard for the test, and still need to correct a few spelling mistakes, fine details, and grammar mistakes from simply not understanding the question, but I will pay attention to those in preparation for the final.

Updated activity statement/goals: In my spring semester activity statement and goals, I stated that I wished to build upon last year's skills by trying to sound more natural. Some of the concrete steps I thought I could take were to go to more office hours and Japanese table. So far, I have been to one office hour where I practiced the oral midterm with さとう先生, but I need to go more often. I don't think going to Japanese tables will be feasible this semester, though. In addition, I stated that I would like to watch Japanese dramas/anime in my spare time, but it is difficult to find time. I will continue to try and reach this goal, however. Lastly, I said that I would like to review grammar way before tests, and I have accomplished this. I now have better study habits in preparation for tests in reviewing grammar, kanji, and vocabulary, and I hope to continue studying this way. 

Monday, March 27, 2017

Spring Break + Updated activity statement/goals

私の春休みはとても忙しかったです。春休みの後の宿題をして、アイススケートの小フィルムを作りにカメラでプリンストンのアイススケーターを写しました。朝と晩は、私はよく友達とアイススケートをして、ほとんど毎日、ウィットマンホールでブランチと晩御飯をいい友達のルムメートと一緒に食べました。時々、外でレストランでおいしい食べ物を食べに行きました。そして、毎日、難しいIndependent Workもしました。週末にゆっくりしたいですから、「Avatar: The Last Airbender」を全部見ました。

In my spring semester activity statement and goals, I stated that I wished to build upon last year's skills by trying to sound more natural. Some of the concrete steps I thought I could take were to go to more office hours and Japanese table. So far, I have been to one office hour where I practiced the oral midterm with さとう先生, but I need to go more often. I don't think going to Japanese tables will be feasible this semester, though. In addition, I stated that I would like to watch Japanese dramas/anime in my spare time, but it is difficult to find time. I will continue to try and reach this goal, however. Lastly, I said that I would like to review grammar way before tests, and I have accomplished this. I now have better study habits in preparation for tests in reviewing grammar, kanji, and vocabulary, and I hope to continue studying this way. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Goal and activity statement

This semester, I wish to build upon the skills I gained last year and try to sound more natural while speaking Japanese. I want to think less about the grammar or vocabulary while forming a phrase in my head, and just be able to speak with more flow. I also want to be able to react or carry out a conversation better in Japanese without feeling embarrassed or stalling too much. In order to do this, I will try to go to more office hours and Japanese table. I will also force myself to watch more anime and start watching Japanese dramas when I have the time. Unlike last semester, I will also try review all the grammar of the past few days every day as I go rather than leave it to the last minute.


  • 私は中休みの前にプリンストンのシンクロナイズドスケートチームとペンシルバニアに行って、競争しました。競争に一位になて、とても嬉しかったです。 そして、プリンストンに帰って、たくっさんゆっくりしました。月曜日にニューヨークに遊びに行きました。友達とWollman Rinkでスケートをして、美味しい韓国レストランで「삼겹살」(豚の腹)を食べました。「김밥」も書いて、プリンストンに帰って、食べました。それからプリンストンで寮にたくさん寝ました。映画もたくさんみました。私の中休みは楽しかったですね。

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Final PE Reflection

Throughout this semester, I have enjoyed taking Japanese 101 and learning the basics for this language. While I still feel like I have a long way to go in order to feel comfortable speaking and writing Japanese, I have accomplished many goals that I set for myself through PE exercises. 

At the beginning of the course, there were components that I was hoping to improve on - flow, pronunciation, intonation, and listening. For the most part, I feel like I have made progress on all four. In terms of flow, I still take a while to think about what grammar points I will need to use in order to express what I want to say, but I have gained the muscle memory to say certain expressions more naturally. I haven't had many opportunities to practice speaking Japanese with others, so I think this still will need continuous work. I think I have grasped pronunciation completely. Intonation, however, is something I will always be working on, especially while learning new vocabulary and new grammar. However, despite not knowing exactly the patterns of intonation that will apply to any sentence, no matter what words are in it, I think I have definitely improved, just through practice. Starting up watching anime again has helped my listening skills. I notice now that I can recognize some words and phrases, which is a large improvement from the beginning of the class. Overall, I will work harder to make these improvements last. I am glad to have taken this class and look forward to 102 next semester. Thank you! 

Thursday, January 12, 2017

My Winter Break
